
Marina di massa, street food from 20 to 23 july

20 July 2023
23 July 2023
11:00 - 00:00


A weekend dedicated to street food in Bad Kissingen Square

An extraordinary event dedicated to street food and the best craft beers arrives in Marina di Massa. From 20 to 23 July, a selection of national and international operators will be in the splendid and evocative setting of Piazza Bad Kissingen, giving life to a great event dedicated to food and wine.

The event will make the Tuscan city the capital of street food for four days. In fact, many specialties that can be tasted with an offer that will wink at quality and also varied for all palates.

There will also be a wide choice of beers, from craft to traditional ones, which will not leave even the most demanding enthusiast unhappy. All this to spend four wonderful days and taste international food and wine specialties.

The event is sponsored by the Municipality of Massa – Culture Office and organized by the Street Food Associations – Fiesta Loca and Promozione Cultura e Sapori.

Admission will be totally free and the stands will be open from 11 to 24.

In Piazza Bad Kissingen stands the work of over 350 tons created by the sculptor Pino Castagna in white marble.

How to reach:

The events takes place: Piazza bad kissingen Piazza bad kissingen 54100 (MS)

Useful info:

Street Food Italia Mag
Phone: +39 3271542386

Vacanze in Versilia.COM is not responsible for any cancellations or moving dates of individual events.

Что посмотреть в окрестностях Marina di Massa


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